A horoscope is a specific document that is assigned to a person at the time of birth. It is determined by a person's birth date, time, and location. It is not a fictitious or random script, but rather a genuine manifestation of our former birth.
The horoscope represents what you did in your previous birth and what good or bad you will receive in this life. An accurate reading of the horoscope reveals one's past birth deeds as well as what one will receive in this life.
Horoscope focuses on allowing a person to learn from previous lives to handle "free will" in the current birth. A horoscope explains the significance of one's current birth in this world. So the relevance of the horoscope/birth chart is what you did, what you are supposed to accomplish, and how you will achieve what you want to do.
Predictive Astrology is an astrological study that studies total planetary placements and combinations to determine the positive and negative effects of constellations and planets on a person. Reading a horoscope entails linking all planetary positions to a person's previous lifetimes and then determining why it contains negative and good planets and planetary combinations. A thorough investigation is conducted to make suggestive forecasts.
There is a total of twelve Zodiac Signs, and all humans fall into one of these twelve Zodiac Signs. These twelve zodiac signs are divided into four elements depending on the overall attributes and characteristics of each element. These four elements are fire, air, earth and water.
A horoscope, like the Zodiac, has twelve (bhava). Reading horoscopes consists of reading and understanding the relationship between these three aspects, as well as their impact and influence on a person's life.
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